Unhappy workers affect...
Do your employees
at your company?
51% of workers are looking to leave their current jobs. If your employees want to leave your company, do you really think you’re getting their best performance?
Discover the 4 Actions Your Employees Wish
You’d Take to Decrease Their Stress – with the bonus of increasing your profits at the same time!
Unhappy workers affect...
Employee Retention
82% of employees are continuously looking for opportunities elsewhere, and roughly one-third of adults would leave their job for a higher-level position, a better company culture, or a shorter commute.
Employee Turnover
It can cost anywhere from 30%-400% of an employee's annual salary to replace him/her. In addition, 75% of the causes of employee turnover are preventable.
PTO Costs
An engaged worker aged 40-49 costs $1,533 per year in lost productivity due to unhealthy days, while an actively disengaged worker in the same age range costs $2,834.40—an 85% increase.
Customer Satisfaction
Highly engaged business units achieve a 10% increase in customer ratings and a 20% increase in sales Teams that address engagement needs in their everyday work outperform bottom teams by an average 20% in sales and 10% in customer engagement.
What unhappy employees and a toxic workplace are really costing you
Employee turnover
$1 trillion is lost annually by US business every year due to voluntary employee turnover.
Lowered productivity, among other costs
Disengaged employees have 37% higher absenteeism, 18% lower productivity, and 15% lower profitability, which translates into 34% of a disengaged employee’s salary.
Loss of good employees
Losing a good hire costs on average $30,000.
Benefits of a positive, happier, more productive workplace
Employees who are loyal and stay
60% of employees would take slightly less pay for an empathetic employer, and 77% would even work longer hours.
Alignment with the organization
77% of employees who strongly agree that they know what their company stands for and what makes it different from competitors strongly agree that they plan to be with the company for at least one year.
More productive employees
Highly engaged employees are 2.5 times more likely to stay at work late if something needs to be done after the normal workday ends, and more than 3 times as likely to do something good for the company that is not expected of them.
The 4 Actions Your Employees Wish You'd Take
to Decrease Their Stress
Download our free report covering the 4 actions you can put in place right now.
(The good news: you can increase profits at the same time!)
4 Actions Your Employees Wish You'd Take to Decrease Their Stress white paper report